Local generation offices – service networks for the elderly, Schwäbisch Gmünd

Located in Baden-Württemberg, the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd has been working since 2006 to provide broad-based support structures for senior citizens in the area. A key outcome of this work is the creation of service networks in various parts of the town to make life easier for elderly people in managing their homes. This has led to the opening of generation offices (Generationenbüros) to serve as touchpoints for older people, especially in rural areas. These are mostly staffed by volunteers who are well known in the community and help to establish a neighbourhood help network. They are closely networked with full-time staff and work to promote collaboration with local clubs, associations and the offices of district mayors. The generation offices offer help with shopping and with filling out forms and applications. They also provide information about third-party services and refer anyone interested in a particular offering to the right address.


Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany