Using stair lifts to access upper floors

If a home extends over several floors, the stairs can sometimes be winding and steep. In many cases, installing a lift is not an option due either to lack of space or to cost. But even if you are dependent on a wheelchair, you don’t have to forgo being able to access and use all your rooms. Chair and platform lifts can be found for most types of staircase, no matter how narrow or steep.

Chairlifts are suitable for people who are still able to walk, but have difficulty climbing stairs. A chairlift usually has an armrest, a backrest, footrests and a safety belt. Modern chairlifts can also be converted into wheelchair lifts if need be. Platform lifts have a sturdy base and can also be used outdoors, such as for entering the house from outside.

Further information can be obtained from housing advice centres (Wohnberatungsstellen) or local chambers of crafts and trades (Handwerkskammer). Issues concerning the possibility of funding or grants should be addressed in good time by contacting the central welfare or integration offices, the employers’ liability insurance associations (Berufsgenossenschaften) or, in cases concerning long-term care, the long-term care insurance funds (Pflegekassen).